Julie Noble Was Vaccinated. Here Are Her Before And After Videos. PLEASE Watch Them!!





Does Julie’s tragic horror story even need commentary?  Yes, it does.

To you folks who haven’t yet been vaccinated, but are considering itbe afraid, very afraid.  Julie’s story is NOT rare, despite the massive efforts of the Big Pharma, Government, and the Main Stream Media to convince you otherwise.  They are lying to you.  Politicians. Always. Lie.

—- The government’s own database, VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System) as of July 2021 shows over 9,000 vaccine related deaths. Since doctors are NOT required to enter adverse effects, it is a known fact that under-reporting is significant … at least by 400%, or more.  That means there are about 40,000 vaccine related deaths.  Also, there is documented evidence that VAERS is periodically “scrubbed” clean to make the numbers look better … for Big Pharma and their subsidiary, the United States government. For example, there is a before and after screen shot in VAERS where a woman died 15 minutes after being vaxed;  the event was logged in, and in a few days the woman’s name (code) was still there, but ALL the data was gone.

—- Death from the vax might actually be a blessing in some cases. The numbers of people suffering from those supposed “rare” side effects is now numbered in the hundreds of thousands.  The symptoms range from a mild fever to what Julie is suffering … and worse.  You need to come to grips with the fact that the cure is much too often worse than the disease.

To you folks who haven’t yet been vaccinated, and never will … please show some sympathy and compassion.

With all the Karens out there yelling at us for not masking or properly distancing,  the coverups and lies from Big Pharma, the fraudulent fakery from Faucci, a government turning authoritarian and hellbent on shredding our constitutional rights, and so much more …… it is easy to say to the Julie’s in America — “It serves you right!!“, or worse.

Me?  I just can’t do that.

It’s not that I’m holy and righteous. Far from it!! I’m not virtue signaling either. The reason I won’t pile on Julie is because I still have a semblance of compassion and empathy left for another human being who is suffering …. AND I WON’T LET THEM TAKE THAT AWAY FROM ME!  I will not become a heartless machine, a monster, a shell of my former self. I won’t give them that kind of power over me. I won’t let them win. I hope you can do likewise.

The Before video shows a genuinely happy family. Julie seems like a terrific mom, and certainly has her hands full with three young boys to raise. I doubt she has the kind of time old farts like me have to scour the net, read, research, ponder, ponder some more, and make a decision. If you find her at fault for that … you probably never raised three young sons. 

No, Julie’s big mistake, I believe, is she trusted those in authority (especially Big Pharma and government.)  “Surely, they wouldn’t lie to me!“, was her primary thinking pattern.  Guess what?  I was the same way when I was her age! It can take a long time (as it did for me) to finally realize, “Hey, my government doesn’t really give a shit about me!!“. I will not condemn this poor tortured soul for her naivete.  I’ll bet she knows that truth now. I will say a soft prayer for her. I hope you do also.

To you folks who have been vaccinated  … find God. Pray.  I wish you well. Truly.



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Author: Stucky

I'm right, you're wrong. Deal with it.

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July 14, 2021 6:42 pm

that is not Bell’s Palsy, there is way more neurological damage going on there than just partial facial paralysis

July 14, 2021 7:25 pm

Once you realize that All Power Structures on Earth: Governments, Militaries, Mega Corporations, Mega Religions, etc., seek to Profit from You, Manipulate You, Control You, Punish You & when they’ve rung All the Value out of you KILL YOU -then you – Watch Them, Mock Them, Disobey Them, Resist Them & if necessary Attack Them realizing that The Only TRUE POWER IS GOD. PRAY & PREPARE TO KILL DEMONS!

July 14, 2021 11:18 pm

yeah …. you can’t kill demons. I would have thought you knew that ……

July 14, 2021 7:45 pm

I am no raving supporter of COVID vaccines. However, neither am I joining the antivaxxer bandwagon. Each individual will make his or her own choice.

The VAERs info is misleading, and flat out wrong in my opinion. VAERs is not in any way proof that the vaccine caused the deaths. It is a report that people died after receiving the vax, not necessarily from receiving the vax. It is an almost identical argument re dying from Covid or with Covid. Had the vax, had stage 4 pancreatic cancer, croaked, it is VAERs reportable. Had a diabetes episode and croaked, VAERs reportable. Etc. If the vax were fully FDA approved, almost none of the incidents would be VAERs reportable. They are currently VAERs reportable because it is an emergency approval and they are collecting data. The fact is, given hundreds of millions of shots, there are a lot of people that are going to die within a month or two, from whatever cause, and those deaths are almost all Vaers reportable.

In Australia there have been up under 5 deaths for around 10 million doses given. And one thing about Oz, the media is right on top of this shit. If someone dies and it is any way linked to the vax, every media outlet in the country will report it. Mostly, AstraZeneca is in play, so that is a difference. But some Pfizer is around, too. But scaled up, based on Oz deaths, the true death rates in the US would not be in the tens of thousands, but maybe not in the hundreds.

You TBPers are generally smart, and will make informed decisions. And I do not care what people do, or do not do. But misinformation is at play here. Vaers simply is not saying what people claim it is saying. And saying that Vaers reports = vaccine caused deaths is simply factually incorrect. It is no such thing.

Let the shitstorm begin.

July 14, 2021 8:31 pm

Did you take some kinda drug that caused you to lose half your IQ? Because you are buying narrative and fake news. Plenty of real facts out there, plenty of real stuff to quote and use, but you are saying categorically in the article that “ That means there are about 40,000 vaccine related deaths.”. Man, you went full retard right there. Never go full retard.

Ah, just like the good old days. Shit flinging at its finest.

July 14, 2021 10:01 pm

Just having fun with you Stuck. I loves ya. But a thread like this with no alternative viewpoints? And no shitflinging? Sacrilege.

Yup, leopard is too easy to rile.

Thanks again for all you do here. You are the straw that stirs Admin’s drink. He provides all the ingredients, but a bit of stirring sure doesn’t go astray.

Nurse Ratched
Nurse Ratched
July 15, 2021 7:49 am

I’ve been trying to find any indication that the v-safe app program they are running reports to VAERS, but I can’t. Does that not seem weird? Here is the established, albeit imperfect, program already in place for adverse event report collection, and the info given out to people is NOT to file a Vaers report but rather to use v-safe app…

Stephanie Shepard
Stephanie Shepard
July 14, 2021 8:38 pm


The Oz media is controlled by the People’s Daily, dumbass. You really are a commie boot licker.

  Stephanie Shepard
July 14, 2021 8:41 pm

Glad you know so much about Australia. Don’t you have a John to blow?

Stephanie Shepard
Stephanie Shepard
July 14, 2021 8:46 pm

How many preppies did you have to blow at Harvard to get handed a business on the Bain Capital plan? How exactly did you become soooooo successful? Join any secret societies with the preppies? You sure did follow the of the US Elite’s plan of build a business, sell it off, and move to a bolthole in Australia complete with bought off citizenship. At this point it’s practically a fucking cliche.

  Stephanie Shepard
July 14, 2021 8:54 pm

And once again Clam is here running around like a mad woman pissing.

And not a single fact is correct. 1) wrong school. 2) wrong side of the tracks for secret societies) 3) became successsful by working 100 hour weeks when I was young, followed by. 70 hr weeks, by having my own business, by 50 hr weeks, etc. (work is something foreign to you I know), 4) cannot buy Oz citizenship as far as I know. Got mine by working here when young and grabbed the citizenship when I was here as I met the criteria and thought I might come back one day, which I did. 5) didn’t sell off and move. Moved and disposed of biz much later.

Stephanie Shepard
Stephanie Shepard
July 14, 2021 8:56 pm

Blah, blah, blah… Don’t give a shit you elitest commie faggot.

  Stephanie Shepard
July 14, 2021 9:10 pm

Too funny. A mentally ill person too stupid and incompetent to hold a job – any job – projects her inadequacies on to anyone who has had any success and creates a fable that they could only be successful by cronyism or corruption.

Stephanie Shepard
Stephanie Shepard
July 14, 2021 9:15 pm

Gee, I thought I already explained projection to you. Guess it didn’t take the first time.

Llpoh is a mentally ill person too stupid and incompetent to hold a job (so he had to blow a bunch of preppies to get into a secret society and have a business handed to him). He projects his inadequacies onto anyone who has any real success (because he is only successful by cronyism or corruption).

  Stephanie Shepard
July 14, 2021 9:20 pm

And here I thought the TBP resident street walker didn’t care what I have to say.

Stephanie Shepard
Stephanie Shepard
July 14, 2021 9:21 pm


Stephanie Shepard
Stephanie Shepard
July 14, 2021 10:11 pm


Stay out of it unless you want me to spam you with Rainbow Dildo Butt Monkey.

  Stephanie Shepard
July 14, 2021 10:17 pm

I knew that was you under all that makeup.

July 14, 2021 10:17 pm

Stuck – I know a number of folks in the societies. But at the Ivies, that tends to mean you were a Rockefeller or a Bush or somesuch. Poor kids need not apply, not that you can apply. You are chosen.

Francis Marion
Francis Marion
July 14, 2021 9:51 pm

Comments like this are why I have stuck around this place for so long. That doesn’t make you less wrong about the topic in general, but the comment is still pure gold.

Stephanie Shepard
Stephanie Shepard
  Francis Marion
July 14, 2021 10:03 pm

When arguing with LLPOH the point isn’t to be right or factually correct. The point is to make up a bunch of bullshit and project as much abuse as possible.

I don’t take him seriously at all. He’s the most insecure person on TBP. He’s completely incapable of self-awareness. I gave up on him a long time ago.

  Stephanie Shepard
July 14, 2021 10:15 pm

Good thing the point isn’t to be right or factually correct, as otherwise you would never get to post.

Stephanie Shepard
Stephanie Shepard
July 14, 2021 10:23 pm


Francis Marion
Francis Marion
  Stephanie Shepard
July 14, 2021 10:18 pm

If there is anything resembling winning and losing in a thread like this then you just lost.

You’re smart but you don’t read between the lines in the comments.

LLPOH is a troll. And I mean that as a compliment. He’s not insecure and he doesn’t care if he’s wrong or right. He only cares that you care and that his comments piss you off.

Anyways, that’s enough class for you today. Back to the fingerling end of the pool until you learn to swim with the big fish.

Respectfully, of course.

Stephanie Shepard
Stephanie Shepard
  Francis Marion
July 14, 2021 10:22 pm

No, he’s deeply insecure. Otherwise he wouldn’t have to brag about his “success” all the time while being completely oblivious to the fact that not everybody’s version of success is their bank account.

Francis Marion
Francis Marion
  Stephanie Shepard
July 14, 2021 10:36 pm

Uh huh.

Personally I think it’s better to admit you’ve been had than it is to continue believing a falsehood.

But that’s just me.

You do you.

I like your posts BTW. Lot’s of good content.

Stephanie Shepard
Stephanie Shepard
  Francis Marion
July 14, 2021 10:39 pm

I haven’t been “had” at all. You’re reading into something that’s not there.

  Stephanie Shepard
July 15, 2021 1:07 am

You missed it Steph. Greenies are weenies..wrong school ,fool +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-++-

Francis Marion
Francis Marion
July 14, 2021 11:40 pm

You murder small fur bearing mammals with pieces of lumber.

  Francis Marion
July 14, 2021 10:19 pm

Francis – We do have fun!

July 14, 2021 9:23 pm

If the vax were fully FDA approved, almost none of the incidents would be VAERs reportable. They are currently VAERs reportable because it is an emergency approval and they are collecting data.

Wrong. So sorry, VAERS is for all vaccines, emergency use or approved by FDA. It was created in 1990 to…

VAERS data is limited to vaccine adverse event reports received between 1990 and the most recent date for which data are available. VAERS data do not represent all known safety information for a vaccine and should be interpreted in the context of other scientific information. VAERS data available to the public include only the initial report data to VAERS.

You are wrong in stating that it’s only for experimental vaccines and, while not one hundred percent as to cause of death, you should be aware of frequency of reporting of similar adverse affects. Are you aware of the fact that myocarditis is very rare? Can you explain the sudden increase in myocarditis disease in young men, where the common factory was the vaccine?

Australia has essentially forbidden the use of ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine and other drugs for covid treatment so I wouldn’t place too much faith in what the government tells you, ditto the media being on top of the shit.

Australia’s medical goods regulator, the Therapeutic Goods Administration, has told the Guardian that the doctors are “under review” for possible breaches of consumer laws and the Therapeutic Goods Advertising Code that prohibit misleading advertising and advertising of prescription medicines. This is because the CMN promotes a cocktail of prescription drugs – including hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin – that are not approved for use to treat Covid-19 . The penalties can be severe.

Have you gotten vaccinated?




July 14, 2021 9:38 pm

You do not know what you are talking about re Vaers. Yes, there are Vaers for all drugs. However, the reporting requirements are different. Very different. Emergency use reporting is far different than for approved drugs. By a vowel, get a clue. If you had bothered to check, really check, you would know this.

I never believe what govt tells me without checking carefully. I can say that the media here is hot on the trail of anything related to vax side effects and deaths.

Here is what they MUST report re Covid vax:

Healthcare providers are required to report to VAERS the following adverse events after COVID-19 vaccination [under Emergency Use Authorization (EUA)], and other adverse events if later revised by CDC:

Vaccine administration errors, whether or not associated with an adverse event (AE)
Serious AEs regardless of causality. Serious AEs per FDA are defined as:
A life-threatening AE;
Inpatient hospitalization or prolongation of existing hospitalization;
A persistent or significant incapacity or substantial disruption of the ability to conduct normal life functions;
A congenital anomaly/birth defect;
An important medical event that based on appropriate medical judgement may jeopardize the individual and may require medical or surgical intervention to prevent one of the outcomes listed above.
Cases of Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome
Cases of COVID-19 that result in hospitalization or death

Note that little tidbit about death regardless of causality? Uh-huh.

And here is what they have to report for other stuff:


The claim that the Covid vax reporting is voluntary is bullshit. The claim that all deaths reported are vax related is bullshit.

July 14, 2021 9:45 pm

Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS)

Please cite your research, show me where you found your information. Otherwise you are blowing smoke OUT YOUR ASS. What does the acronym VAERS stand for? Why, it stands for, are you ready????


July 14, 2021 10:06 pm

I found all that on the fucking Vaers site. Do your own damn research. It pays to know what the fuck you are talking about before you talk about it, not after.

That above info is about vaccines. The reporting required for emergency drugs are different. FDA approved are far different as the issues are largely known.

As I clearly show, ALL deaths, no matter causality, currently MUST be reported for Covid Vax. It is inarguable.

But just for you, here is one link: https://vaers.hhs.gov/docs/VAERS_Table_of_Reportable_Events_Following_Vaccination.pdf

And here is another, look under what is required to be reported:


July 14, 2021 10:31 pm

Sorry child, you said all experimental DRUGS, you didn’t specify vaccines. You wrote…

Emergency use reporting is far different than for approved drugs.

I also looked at the VAERS site. I’ve also looked at specific case numbers. This is the open VAERS site which currently states….

9,048 deaths, 985 miscarriages, and a host of other issues related to the vaccines. The common theme throughout are adverse reactions following the vaccines. Too many to be written off as coincidences.

VAERS ID: 1081208
AGE: 18| SEX: M|State: CA Print
this is a 18 y.o. male who is generally healthy. he received a second dose of the sars2-cov vaccine on 3/4. the following morning he felt feverish and achy with malaise. he stayed home, drank fluids and rested and felt well enough to come up to ski this weekend. during skiing he had some anterior chest pain, it resolved and he went about his day. tonight at 2245 the pain became sharp and awakened him from sleep. he felt nauseated and clammy as well. father brought him to the er for evaluation. his emergency department evaluation showed st elevations most notably in the inferior and lateral leads as well as in the lateral precordium.

Chest pain, Myocarditis, SARS-CoV-2 test negative, Cold sweat, Nausea, Sleep disorder, Electrocardiogram ST segment elevation, Pain, Troponin increased, Human rhinovirus test positive, Pericarditis, Malaise, Pyrexia

You can go to the site and see for yourself.


July 14, 2021 10:44 pm

Mygirl – lots of adverse events. Lots and lots. But again, note what are required to be reported. All deaths, for instance. And no full info can be derived if they are reporting folks run over by a bus, for instance. And all deaths must be reported. No matter the cause.

If I said all drugs, I mis-stated. We are talking about vaccines, of course.

July 14, 2021 11:26 pm

The number of adverse events would and should have a recall and a cessation of jabs until further testing is done. None of that is happening here and, in fact, there is a doubling down on pushing for getting as many people vaccinated as possible.
Something is very wrong with this. When you have that many deaths, miscarriages and other dangerous health issues then the vaccinations should cease because something is very, terribly wrong here.

Nurse Ratched
Nurse Ratched
July 15, 2021 7:59 pm

And what did your research indicate is the penalty for a vaccine administrator or prescriber who doesn’t file the “mandatory” report?

July 15, 2021 12:33 am

I completely disagree with your comments re Australia. The media in Australia is complicit in reporting a one-sided story on how dangerous Covid is, and how the vaccines are our way out. Even Sky News, who like to downplay things more than others, are very much pro vaccine. Here’s the situation.

– The govt and media report on deaths of those “with covid” (that is, who die after a positive Covid test). However, they report deaths following vaccine only for those that the TGA has determined were directly caused by the vaccine. If they were reporting on deaths following Covid vaccination, consistent with deaths following Covid, they would be reporting 377 vaccine deaths per TGA’s numbers and there would be talk of stopping vaccinations OR they would be reporting a whole lot less Covid deaths and there would be no panic.

– The TGA states that the mortality rate for the vaccinated is in line with expected mortality, and so no excess mortality means no risk from the vaccine. This is also for true for Covid in Australia for those who are young and healthy; the mortality rate for Covid in those under 50 (0.02%) is LESS than underlying population mortality for those age groups. Only for the elderly and unhealthy is it much higher. However we are now shown ads claiming it is highly dangerous for younger people in a bid to get us all vaccinated. BTW the delta variant in the UK is also showing 0.02% mortality in under 50’s.

The media is not “right on top of this shit”, they don’t have a clue about what I am posting, which are the facts based on the data available. Instead they crap on about the deadly delta variant (untrue), that vaccines are safe (unknown, as they have not been fully tested yet), that everyone should be vaccinated (untrue; those under 50 without chronic health conditions have no need to be vaccinated) and that herd immunity through vaccination is our only way out (also untrue, as Israel is finding out and the UK experience is demonstrating).

July 15, 2021 7:02 am

Why are people not getting vax in Australia? Because the Oz media reports in detail every single adverse event they can find. Yes, they also say get the vax. But they then report every adverse reaction. So please, stop the bullshit. They report anything that even vaguely smells like an adverse reaction. Because that news sells.

July 15, 2021 5:34 pm

Mainly because of vax availability. Some colleagues are trying to get the Pfizer vax and are being told 2-3 month wait. Astrazeneca wasn’t available to under 50’s until recently. The elderly cohorts which have been prioritised are about 70% vaccinated.

I’ve used some facts, why don’t you try it instead of just throwing a tanty? Feel free to put up links to articles detailing “every single adverse event they can find” because there are 40,000 of them according to the TGA. Oh, I’m sure you haven’t looked at that, or any of the data, cos the Sydney Morning Herald told how nasty the virus is and that’s all you need to know.

July 16, 2021 12:01 am

Anon – why don’t you grow some hair on your balls and post under something other than anonymous. Claiming you post “facts” without source material is really funny.

Here is a fact – 100% of everyone who gets the virus dies.

When I throw a tantrum, you will know it. But I do not waste much time on moron anonymous posters.

July 15, 2021 11:36 am

Anti-vaxxer. That term gets thrown around a lot and always as a pejorative. What does it even mean?

It can’t mean someone who does their own research, and due diligence and concludes that an experimental shot (not a traditional vaccine) that was rushed to market and has no long term studies, isn’t worth the risk right now. Further, when that shot is to combat a disease with a 99.9% survival rate? And doesn’t even stop infection or transmission?

The use of this term gets old. It’s just a simple, easy way for people to belittle others and feel superior, even if they themselves are just goose stepping to some subluminal (or overt) sales copy or propaganda.

July 14, 2021 7:48 pm

My wife had Bell’s palsy. Must have been the vax. Oh, wait. That was twenty years ago.

Seriously, what the fuck. Over 3000 people a month come down with Bell’s. There would be literally thousands upon thousands of people in the US that would have come down with Bell’s within 2 months after the vax, and it would not have anything whatsoever to do with the vax. But onto Vaers they go! Voila – it was the vax!

Correlation is not causation. Maybe it was the vax. But odds are pretty good it was coincidence.

July 14, 2021 8:27 pm

Stuck – my wife was young, healthy, vibrant with zero prior illnesses. And came down with Bell’s. You are buying narrative and are ignoring facts. I am a fucking math savant, as you well know, and can smell bullshit a mile off. This smells like bullshit, as does the Vaers you are reporting as fact. The Vaers especially reeks to high heaven. The Bell’s is about 50/50 of being a vax side effect.

There are a lot of problems with the vax, but tens of thousands are not dying from it, at least not yet. And the Bell’s stuff is just as likely to be a coincidence as it is vax related. Two studies out there re the vax and Bell’s. One says not relation, one says the vax causes a doubling in the Bell’s rate. No one knows for sure. Except you I guess.

July 14, 2021 9:31 pm

Myocarditis is also very common, people get it all the time? Right? Right? Ditto for blood clots and thromobosis and this rash which was definitely and directly attributed to the J&J vaccine.

Focusing on one issue or side effect (Bells palsy) while ignoring the much larger body of different side effects that affect those vaccinated argument isn’t going to make your assertions valid.

HIs doctor stated that the man’s rash was….

“The doctor treating Terrell has confirmed that the rash was caused by a drug reaction. ”

The only drug he had taken was the J and J vaccine.
comment image?w=670

July 14, 2021 9:34 pm

Hiya mygirl – not pushing an argument. Simply pointing out the fake ones as they crop up. The Vaers and the Bells fall into that category. As I said, there are real issues that can be used to present the case. Vaers deaths are just not one of them, nor is the Bell’s.

I do not know about the rash.

July 14, 2021 10:16 pm

Llpoh…I’ve been following the vaccine controversy for quite awhile now because I do believe the entire Covid issue was created as an excuse to push the vaccines which aren’t even vaccines.

As to the numbers of dead, when a vaccine has a certain number of fatalities that are attributed to it that vaccine is removed from the market. That is not happening with the covid vaccines, instead, there is a doubling down on forcing the vaccines, witness France. Additionally, the pharmaceutical companies have been indemnified and aren’t liable for any injuries or deaths as a result of their vaccines. That is very disturbing as well.

Beyond all this is the disturbing fact that these vaccine patents were first created in the 1990’s and were used on animals, specifically dogs and rabbits. The vaccine trials were discontinued because the rabbits developed myocarditis and died. All the animals tested died.

If you haven’t watched this then I strongly suggest you do. It’s long but damning. All of Dr. Martin’s patent research can be found via the patent office for verification. .

July 14, 2021 10:23 pm

I am generally concerned about the mRNA vaxxes. It is an unknown for sure. The Astra types have the most demonstrated side effects, but I am less concerned about them re the long term as they are more or less an established technique.

Caveat emptor.

July 14, 2021 10:44 pm

Caveat emptor indeed. The other bit of latin is…que bono?

Witness the chaos in South Africa. While it’s been a simmering pot of misery for a long while now, seems the boiling point was not so much the incarceration of Zuma, but rather, the impoverishment and dire straits of the economy following covid lockdowns and restrictions.

There are wheels within wheels and the truly frightening aspect is how these vaccines and the virus have become draconian and totalitarian in the extreme.

July 14, 2021 11:07 pm

This is really spot on, imo. “The Great Reset”, “Build Back Better” (even though there wasn’t anything to build back better from until TPTB weaponized the seasonal flu), the non-stop lies, propaganda, censorship and on and on. Me personally? There really isn’t anything else I need to know. Hell, I’m still having sex with doorknobs…never stopped.

Even if the vaxed dead do not number in the 6 figures, as Stucky alludes to above, something is amiss for sure. Carry on my wayward Burning Platfromers.

July 14, 2021 11:12 pm

Hell, I’m still having sex with doorknobs…never stopped.

What does your wife think about this?

July 14, 2021 11:14 pm

comment image?w=800&h=643

July 15, 2021 1:07 am

I admit she is a bit jealous. But also relieved since she can no longer keep up with me. 🙂

July 15, 2021 12:03 am

Injun Jew also thinks Google is a private company.

Zulu Foxtrot Golf
Zulu Foxtrot Golf
July 14, 2021 8:24 pm

Just remember to get your covid vaccine as part of your hurricane prep plan. No shit. They actually have that in the preparedness guide.

I think history speaks for itself with a vast amount of lies that dwarf Mount Everest.

If you honestly think the government would never put out something that would kill you then you deserve everything you get. Good and bad.

I am finding it harder and harder to even remotely consider having any empathy or sympathy for people that get nuked with side effects. It’s not like you have the entire world at your fingertips with troves of information out there to make an informed decision. But I suppose this is where we are now in the world: be lazy, believe the government, never question the most ridiculous push in history for a vaccine that was/is untested for an illness that is hardly a blip on the statistical radar when you consider it almost completely wiped out all cases of the flu for over a year and fuck it lets buy the dip too.

I wasnt always into cynicism, but fuck an A fuck if it is not making life a lot simpler now.

If people would get over their fear of death, which is probably more a fear of suffering than death itself, then they would probably live life a lot more happily and probably healthier. But the seed of our own destruction was sown long ago with pseudo-intellectual word salads like equity, equality and non-discrimination. All paradoxical as there is no such thing for any of those three.

Equity is directly proportional to output or effort. Equality has never existed and it will never exist as biology (life itself) is strictly dependent on genes of the strongest of the species. Discrimination is the only way any animal that has any type of reasoning makes a decision. No matter how benevolent or non-descript the decision made is, there is always a process of discrimination in the true sense and none of the bullshit misnomers that are being thrown around with regards to the previous three mentioned to include diversity (in its true form).

It was always about genetic diversity and diversity of thought and experience and knowledge gained from one’s environment and humans are proof positive of the genetic corruption in play by generational indoctrination to feeling as opposed to thinking. This is why American, and human for that matter, exceptionalism are long gone and we are on a downward trend to oblivion. Life will always simplify when systems become too complex such as we are seeing now. People have forgotten to trust their innate bullshit detectors in favor of false assumption of the general good of governments. We all know that has never existed.

That being said, it sucks that it happened to her, but she bought the ticket and she has to take this ride. There are always choices. The problem with choices lay in the consequences. Humanity as a whole has long forgotten about consequential thinking and reaction. This is why the world for humans will simplify. Everything is a distraction to the narcissist-riddled society of the west and likely all the commie shit holes as well. If any typical person had enough sense to look at the world around them they would probably crumble into a fetal position and cry hysterically at something unrecognizable.

I take no pity on the willfully ignorant individual or masses.

All exogenous materials present a potential catastrophic risk to a person. The world would be a much better place if people, in general, understood this again, if they ever did to begin with. There is just no way to tell what reaction a person will have to a drug or chemical or food or anything introduced into their body until they introduce it. Everything is a crap shoot even with long term testing.

ZFG, out.

P.S. If’n they are making you sign waivers then maybe you ought not to put that shit in your body.

Auntie Kriest
Auntie Kriest
  Zulu Foxtrot Golf
July 14, 2021 9:43 pm

Auntie appreciates your pragmatic approach, ZFG.

July 14, 2021 9:21 pm

Who wants to bet she voted for Biden.
And thinks us Trump voters are against science.
Put a mask on lady…

July 14, 2021 9:53 pm


might be legit,might be bs–


Captain Phoebus
Captain Phoebus
July 14, 2021 11:51 pm

Cured by reflexology, so…. the vaccine injury was all in her head.

July 15, 2021 3:11 am

You don’t even need government. All you need is YOU to convince yourself and millions like YOU.

My friend was convinced it was OK to take the vaccine since millions took it and he got the jab. I later told him it might take months or years to make you SICK and DIE.

I detected a nervous answer. But I did warn him right after August things should start getting worse. But we’ll see who was right or wrong very soon.

July 15, 2021 4:21 am

If people are looking for sympathy, they can find it in the dictionary between shit and syphilis. Stop falling for the same PSY-OP used on the Covidiots. For God’s sake! The dad asks the baby to say PIZZA!!!!! WAKE UP!

Eyes of Horus
Eyes of Horus
July 15, 2021 10:23 am

Since it is an experimental vaccine no one can sue the drug company. That is a sin.

July 15, 2021 10:57 am

Thank you Stuck,
I appreciate your message for showing compassion.
And, I am so grateful to you for this post. My primary
fear is exposure to the poked. I was a nurse. The very
first patient I was assigned to (with my unit educator
at my side/3 mo. supervision B4 being out “alone”),
had Guillain-Barre’ Syndrome post the annual flu shot.
Nightmare for the patient/she really was not recovering

Afshin Nejat
Afshin Nejat
July 15, 2021 2:58 pm

What needless and even embarrassing foolishness. Obedience rather than scrutiny is never the right option. Scrutiny, doubt, suspicion ARE THE NORM when dealing with authorities. That’s why they are called authorities. They have been vested with a lot of power. Hello? Whenever you do that, you have to make sure that it is a reliable and stable and proper thing that you have done. We do it in engineering, so why don’t we do it in government and medicine? Why are these people not held up to constant scrutiny and possibility of severe consequences should they default or cause harm? That scripture is USELESS. What was needed was wisdom, the wisdom to consider the history of the authorities involved, the process by which they are vested with power, the question of whether they have fulfilled their obligations, whether the people themselves have done these things as Citizens or even as bare people as such. The wisdom to think, the wisdom to know, the wisdom to intuit and feel, the wisdom to doubt, the wisdom to see all the possibilities, the wisdom not to be taken in or fooled. What a waste.

Thomas Turk
Thomas Turk
July 15, 2021 7:47 pm

Nobody held a gun to her head to get injected.

July 15, 2021 8:31 pm

Woman With ‘Life-Altering’ Injuries After COVID Vaccine Teams Up With U.S. Senators to Demand Answers

Hunter's crack pipe
Hunter's crack pipe
July 15, 2021 11:35 pm

I just discovered; if like me, you’re not on Fakebook, you can keep clicking that video link repeatedly and you can see at least a few seconds of the video from their page.

July 16, 2021 12:14 am

July 16, 2021 12:26 am

God helps those who help themselves, Fortune favors the informed, The long-lived learn from OTHERS’ mistakes
……and naproxen blocks sars all strains.

Ned Kelly
Ned Kelly
July 16, 2021 1:32 am

REPORT: Pfizer Vaccine Confirmed To Cause Neurodegenerative Diseases – Study

July 26, 2021 6:17 am

TL:DR, This is very ranty of me, so you probably don’t need to read it, and I probably disagree with you. The owner/Admins should probably leave it up though for the sake of free speech

This article is horrible. It has absolutely no real information in it. It has a “before” and “after” video of a woman who experienced something… but even the woman (or husband) does not make any connection to why it happened (so no… probably not a result of a vaccine).

If I got the vaccine, and then experienced a reaction, then I would tell everyone…

And on top of it the author is wrong. Doctor’s and pharmaceuticals are REQUIRED BY LAW to report to VAERS. Oh and then there are the posts below who say they filed false reports to VAERS… so if they’re scrubbing data… MAYBE IT’S THE FALSE REPORTS? (see “I entered at least 10 entries in the VAERS system about symptoms I had for a vaccine I’ll never take! Let’s pump those VAERS numbers up!” below)

Oh… then there is her HEALED VIDEO… which also contains NO INFO on the vaccine. This is also linked by a fellow poster below on Z3News.

Yes, I want to avoid people getting hurt, but “To you folks who haven’t yet been vaccinated, but are considering it,” this article SHOULD NOT be the reason not to.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
July 26, 2021 7:13 am

I agree with you on this one- one should remain skeptical of every information source until it proves itself to be trustworthy or deceptive. Sources that are routinely engaged in deceptive or faulty pieces should be avoided. Those that are trustworthy should still be read with a measure of caution.

All of the data points should be weighed against your life experience, proven truths, and human nature.

Your final decisions should always be based on the best statistical outcomes, as dispassionately as you are able and with the acceptance of your personal responsibility.

No one should ever be made to accept possible life affecting decisions due to force, coercion or political/social expediency. If the human being has no final right to his own mind and body then the system that claims such power should do so openly and state in no uncertain terms that their monopoly on power grants them the right to force people to do their bidding. No system can simultaneously claim to protect the rights of the individual while denying them to each member.

July 26, 2021 7:35 pm

Nowhere in your article do you claim, nor show proof that she had the vaccine. That is the standard I am holding you to. In the video, they talk about new medication for her epilepsy which puts her to sleep and praise god that she has doctors who know what they’re doing, they never mention a vaccine so for all we know, she actually did wake up like that one day.

Like I said before, if I had adverse reactions to anything, I would tell everyone exactly what to avoid. Like the time I broke out in hives because I took an Amoxicillin derivative, so now I know I can’t take that or anything in its family.

With your Logic, x + x = y. But y gets to be whatever you want regardless of x. Look, write better articles and I won’t call you out. State your point and prove it, and I agree to not call you out over it.

July 26, 2021 8:34 pm

You’re just as anonymous, just cause you wrote the article doesn’t mean we know anything about you. Look, I have a name now too.

Please count how many times you said “vaccination” in your own article.

Stop being a snowflake, learn how to take criticism.